Friday, March 20, 2009

Dream Jobs for a Day

I have a list of jobs I think are cool. I have a strong urge to learn these trades and preform them but only for a day- you know like Paris and Nicole on that old television show. Here is my list of dream jobs for a day:

1. Meat and Cheese slicer in a deli- those are the coolest machines and so dangerous looking. I wonder if they get hazardous pay?
2. Number changer at the gas station- You know the guy that uses that long stick to change the price of gas on the tall signs out front- that is interesting and a little powerful.
3. Movie player at the theater- You get paid to eat free popcorn and watch movies.
4. The security guy who controls the velvet rope at a prestigious nightclub- "You may enter, but the really hot skinny chick- NO!"
5. Wrecker-ball controller- a little stress reliever.
6. Museum Guard- "No pictures please and don't breathe directly on the Van Gogh, really."
7. Barista at a hip little coffee joint- not Starbucks.
8. News Anchor- "And this is Today with Areli Glenn."

So if you happen to stop by your local deli and find me asking you if that is a pound or a half you ordered of Sara Lee's Honey Ham don't worry it's probably just for the day.
Ciao, Areli

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