Monday, April 6, 2009


Emma is so much like her daddy. She has realized that she likes it when people think she is funny so she tries very hard very often to be hilarious. She is mostly successful. I wish I could say the same about her father, but let's be honest his cheeky humor is no match for Emma's adorable factor. Her latest make-them-pass-out-from-my-cuteness tactic is to coin her own words and phrases. Here are a few examples just from today:

ba.dang (verb) to shut a door
Badang, I'm getting dressed in here.

koo.ka (noun) a very wild person
All this sugar makes me dance like a kooka.

I am just glad there has never been a reported case of "death by witnessing too much cuteness".

Ciao, Areli


  1. I will now incorporate badang into my vocab. I can think of lots of ways to use it.
    Give all the girls my love!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Emma is inspiring.. I want to make up my own words now.
