Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An Apple A Day

Three reasons why one should never take a 3 year old with them to the doctors office:

1. The nurse: "You weigh 1** pounds Mrs. Glenn." 3 year old: "Ahhh! My mommy weighs 1** tons that sounds like a lot. Huh, mommy?"

2. The incessant "I'm hungry." "This is taking forever." "What's that black thing for?" "What's that pointy thing for?" "What does this button do?" "Is she going to give you a shot?" "I want her to give you a shot."

3. When the doctor asks you about your bowel movements 3 year old decides to join conversation offering delightful little (embarrassing) details.

Note to self- Hire a babysitter.

Ciao, Areli