Happy Easter! Yes, it was. The Glenn household enjoyed a beautiful, fun-filled, and charming Easter day. It began with our coordinating outfits- which as corny as it may be is a Glenn family Easter tradition. I usually decide on a palette and choose the outfits for everyone down to hair ribbons and shoes. Only this year, much to my surprise, Jon decided he would like to give it a go- so we all wore blue and white seersucker. We were adorable nonetheless and we owed it to him after many Easters of pink and purple ties. I did get to pick the shoes and I chose gold sparkly shoes for all us girls complete with the perfect shade of toenail polish- crushed (a shimmery orange color). Jon set up his camera in the backyard and took some great Easter pics of the family. Then off to church!
The service was great as usual. The music outstanding. Jon got to sing in the choir backing up the band and the worship was super fantastic. Pastor Greg spoke about the realization of Christ's death and resurrection and what that means for us. His opening story was very cute: A mother is making pancakes for her 3 and 5 year old sons. The sons begin to argue who should get the first pancake. So, the mother decides this is a great opportunity to present a moral lesson to her boys. She says to them, "You know if Jesus were here he would say serve my brother first." The youngest son looks at his older brother and says, "You be Jesus."
Jon hid over 100 filled eggs in the front and back yards when we got home. The girls were super excited about the hunt. Emma got a two minute head start and then it was first come first serve. It worked out great. Emma ended up with 32 eggs, Abby 39, and Hailey 57 eggs. Not to mention the other eggs they kept finding throughout the day. Jon and I had filled the eggs with either candy, coinage, or little handwritten notes. The girls loved it.
A nice home-cooked meal and then the Go-cart ride of death to follow. You see the girls had Good friday off and somehow persuaded Jon to build- yes, I said to build a go-cart. He built this monstrosity out of an old bike trailer, wood, bungee cords, and the handle bars off Emma's bike. It was to be powered by gravity and the the east TN hills. So our Easter afternoon was spent with me capturing on film my family of daredevils thrill-seeking in the ghetto-cart. The thing started out with brakes (so that was a plus), but when the brakes broke off Jon just enlisted the "Fred Flintstone" approach to deceleration. The soles of his work boots are worn off. At least everyone was wearing helmets and knee/elbow pads. I am pleased to report no injuries were sustained. Off to Sonic for slushes and limeades (in the real car) and home sweet home.
Thank you Jesus for this beautiful life! I hope you all enjoyed a great Easter as well. I will leave you with a few of the quotes from the handwritten notes Jon and I hid in the girls eggs:
"You R my special Angel-baby! Love, Mom"
"I love you more than mom does. - Dad"
"You R my treasure, like a sparkly diamond! Love, Mom"
"Toes R pink, Sky is blue, U R cute, I love U. -Dad"
Ciao, Areli
You are the cutest mom in the world. :)